6 Week Trail Dog Class
Hike and learn everything you need to know about having the perfect trail dog!
Service Description
Want your dog to be the perfect hiking companion? Join us, Rebekah Weiner of Adventures in Dog Town, and Veronica for a 6-week trail dog class. Each week we will have a guided, educational pack hike at various local trails in Central Massachusetts. You’ll learn everything you need to know about hiking with your dog, from gear to trail skills to navigation, and everything in between. Hikes will be 1 to 1.5 hours, moderately paced, and on non-flat terrain. You don’t have to be an athlete to join, but please be aware that this may be too strenuous for more sedentary senior dogs, developing puppies, or dogs with physical limitations. Who’s eligible: anyone and their dog! Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your dog’s suitability. Payment: ***payment of $240 is required within 1 week of signup otherwise you forfeit your spot in the class*** If you do not wish to pay here, you can do so in one of the following ways: cash check made out to Veronica Thomas-Kowalak venmo: @veronicakowalak Paypal: veronica@vkdogtraining.com There is a $30 cancellation fee. What we’ll be covering: Trail etiquette Preparedness and safety on the trail Appropriate gear How to get your dog in shape for longer adventures First aid, pest prevention/care What to bring: Water for both the human and dog Water bowl 6 foot non retractable leash Good hiking shoes Treats We will have first aid gear on hand just in case, but you are encouraged to bring your own If you have any questions please email us at veronica@vkdogtraining.com or http://www.adventuresindogtown.com/contact.html See you on the trail!